
Thursday, May 27, 2010


I know you Hoosiers are saying, "what's Flan?"  Let me tell you, this is soooo delicious!  It is something that my mother-in-law, Constancia, and sister-in-law, Carmen, make look so easy and it is a definite crowd pleaser.  My in-laws are Dominican.  The food my mother-in-law can whip up without a blink is amazingly delicious.  Each of us can think of a different dish to call our favorite.  My husband, Rafael, loves flan.  Until now I have been afraid to try it.  My sister-in-law gave me her recipe a couple years ago and I filed it away under things I'd like to make (and there it stayed!).

I am so happy I got the nerve up to try this.  It is so creamy and delicious!  Unfortunately I got phone calls, kid interruptions and basic life happening when I was making this, so I have no pictures to give you the step by step.  I do, however, have the perfect recipe.  I'm going to tell you how I did it!


Flan Carmen Style

3 oz cream cheese
4 eggs
1 can evaporated milk
1 can sweetened condensed milk
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 c granulated sugar

Place eggs and cream cheese in blender.  Mix until smooth.  Add both cans of milk.  Blend for 1 minute.  Add vanilla.  Mix for an additional minute.  Let the mixture sit while making the caramelized sugar.

Put sugar in a saucepan.  Heat on low while stirring.  Sugar will crystallize.  Keep stirring until it liquefies.  Carefully pour caramelized sugar into a pie plate or 1 tsp into individual ramekins (no need to cover the whole bottom, sugar will spread while baking.)  Sugar will harden slightly.  Pour flan mixture over the sugar.  Place in a 1 inch of water and bake in a 350 degree oven.  Bake for 40 minutes or until toothpick inserted comes out clean.  Let cool slightly (about 20 minutes).  Cover and refrigerate at least an hour (best when served very cold).  When ready to serve, run a butter knife around the edges until flan is loose and moves freely in pan.  Invert onto a pretty plate.  Enjoy!

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